Tuesday, February 23, 2010

22, Yikesaroo!

So I recently celebrated my 22nd Birthday! (February 17th to be exact)
I have to say it was one of the best birthdays I've had in a while.

I am really into birthdays...pretty much everyones...and I like to do all that I can to make sure everyone has a fantastic birthday, and the past few years I've had a hard time accepting that not everyone will always do the same.
However, this year I got to celebrate with (just about) everyone I could've hoped to!

I like to think that my birthday celebrations began while I was in NC because my parents bought me the tickets for my birthday...and so refer to previous post- that was an amazing time.

Then on Tuesday night some of my friends from school and I went to a local bar to see a band play and rang in the midnight hour (my official birthday) singing and dancing to some sweet tunes.
On Wednesday I got to go out to lunch with my roommates and a couple other friends. It was nice that they all took time out of their day just to go to lunch. Then one of my best friends and I went to a pottery painting place called The Accidental Artist, because I have always wanted to go there and paint something fun. There wasn't a better person I could've wanted to go with- because we are equally enthralled by arts and crafts activities like that and both took it equally as serious. And even though we sat in almost complete silence carefully crafting our designs, we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

My pre-fired plate!Thennn on Friday night, I went home to my parent's new Pub to really celebrate! I had invited school friends, home friends, coworkers, old friends, new friends...pretty much anyone. I tend to keep my groups of friends pretty separate in my life and there was nothing I enjoyed more than having everyone I love in one place at the same time. There were some people I wish could've been there, but distance and age just didn't allow for that to happen. I am so thankful that so many people decided to come home from school or travel a short distance just to celebrate with me. I got to wear a fun dress, drink fun drinks, have almost an entire Pub sign happy birthday to me, and open such thoughtful gifts&cards. Overall...a successful 22nd!

And a BIG thank you to Holden and Nguyen for their kind birthday posts!! Love both of you very much!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

These Are The Times To Remember Because They Will Not Last Forever

This past weekend I finally did something that I've wanted to do for the past few years...spent a weekend in Elon, NC!

It was sooooooo nice to get away from school and not do anything but relax and have LOTS of fun!

We covered just about everything we could in the few days I was there and my wonderful hostess made sure she gave us the ultimate southern experience!

We ate biscuits at Bojangles, cured hangovers at Sonic, fine-dined at a mexican restaurant with margaritas on the side, had a cozy and delicious home-made dinner, and celebrated a super fun weekend with chocolated covered...everything!

Aside from all the eating- we got a tour of the beautiful campus, fell in love with the Greek store, saw Valetines Day, and had the ultimate experience at the Cruz Thru!!

To put our final mark on Elon we got to find out the meaning of Bomo. =)
Overall, it was the best weekend ever with the best friends ever. I am so happy I got to catch up with friends I don't get to see nearly enough and meet new friends. It's weekends like these that make me never want to grow up and leave college!!

"You're going to miss this, you're going to want this back. You're going to wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..."

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I've been going to yoga every now and then since a new yoga place opened near my house only about a year ago. I am really not very good at it (although, I'm getting better!) but this past weekend I was there and I think I realized the REAL reason why I enjoy it so much: Savasana.

Savasana is a pose in yoga also referred to as the 'corpse pose'. At the end of every class for about 3-5 minutes we spend in this pose which is literally laying on your back with your arms by your side and your palms facing up. It is a relaxation pose and the goal is to stop your mind from thinking about everything and just focus on your body and relaxing.

This is the hardest part of the entire hour and 15 minute class for me. There is never a minute in my day that my mind isn't racing with the millions of things I need to be doing, things I've done in the past, or things I should do in the future. I hardly ever give my self time to relax and I feel as though I can justify those few minutes of pure relaxation because it is actually something I'm SUPPOSED to be doing!

I am trying this semester to be less stressed out and to, for lack of better wording, try not to care so much about every little detail of everything in my life. So far the opposite is happening...maybe I'll start adding some mandatory Savasana time into my daily schedule.