Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let Me Just Say For The Record...Middle School Was The Dumbest Idea Ever Invented

Approximately one year ago I was teaching Writing to a few 4th graders...while doing an interest survey to get some ideas to write about I asked what their favorite book to read was. The answer: Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Having never heard of this book but wanting to relate to my students and make my lessons fun I did some "research". AKA...I took this book out of the library and FELL.IN.LOVE. I then proceded to read the next book and put my name on a waiting list in my COLLEGE library to get the third.

Who would've thought a book written for middle schoolers could be so thoroughly enjoyed by someone in their 20s. I now know of many other peers my age that find the same enjoyment from these books. (It's probably because we can totally remember our 'middle school days' and find ourselves saying "Oh my god! That's so true!" throughout most of the book)

Anywho...some genius decided to turn this book into a movie and it was Incredible! I highly recommend it to anyone...of any age!
I can proudly say three 20-something year olds laughed the loudest in the theater. SO GOOD!

Check out the trailer!!