I had my first Ebay bidding experience! I was super nervous! I was bidding on an amazingly cheap pair of black cowboy boots that are going to be PERFECT for the hoedown! There had been a few bids previous to my own and when I jumped in there was still about 24 hours left. My first bid was around $7.00 and I had the highest bid for a while (I checked about every 2 minutes or so). THEN I was outbid a couple hours later...so my next bid was for $8 and then I covered my bases and set it up so Ebay would text me if I was outbid. It came down to the last 10 minutes and I was still the highest bidder and I was freaking out. To make this long story short...I ended up winning these boots for $8 and I couldn't be happier!

And speaking of the hoedown... I am trying desperately to learn the Hoedown Throwdown...as is most of my co-workers. It is going to be a difficult task, but it will be AMAZING if we can all break out into a choreographed dance at the Hoedown just like Hannah Montana!
Other things... I have been babysitting my favorite baby in the entire world and I go through withdrawals when I'm not with him, I've been substituting here and there...I was an aid with a Kindergarten teacher yesterday who gave me a box full of instructional books, workbooks, flip charts, posters, and a lot of awesome teaching supplies. I was so grateful. I've been reading My Sister's Keeper. It's amazing so far. I am also being harassed to finish it faster so I can discuss it with a certain individual. Andddd I'm leaving for the Cape tomorrow for the weekend and I'm really excited because I love it there and I don't get to go enough.
One last note...2 weeks from today I will be moving into my summer program and I cannot wait. I am becoming more and more antsy as the days go on. Nothing makes me happier....
That was like the most covered in the history of blogging. I would like you to expand on some of those topics, pleeeeeeeeeeease!
you already know all the intricate details that go along with every subject covered in this post...don't pretend that you don't! haha
and don't worry...i'll be sure to blog about the cape upon my return
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