SO much has happened since my last post and this is honestly the first time since that day in April that I have felt I can actually sit down and take a deep breath.

My friends and I on Graduation Day!
It was very sad leaving Newport because my closest friends are all staying for the summer and living together. But it had to be done because I am not ready to give up my summer camp.
Since I moved home I immediately began hostessing at my parents restaurant and substituting in the school district at home to try to start making/saving money.
I continued with the job search and was so lucky to get called for 2 interviews (and a second round of interview this week- keep your fingers crossed)
I have been starting to think of alternative plans for the fall if that doesn't work out, I am trying really hard to just take it as it comes...I'm not really doing a good job at that though.
For the first summer in 4 years I haven't really had time pre-program to dedicate all my time thinking about and planning for my summer now that I've put an end to the hostessing and subbing I finally can and it feels so wonderful. I am so looking forward to getting to know a new 500 kids this summer and seeing all the incredible things they are capable of!