It seems like just yesterday I was writing my last post. That was now a good month ago and it was during the very middle of my summer program. That has now ended and I am moving closer and closer to school-mode.
This summer was incredible. I can't even begin to describe how incredibly quickly it feels like it went by, but sitting here looking back on it...there were so many good memories. It would be impossible to include everything I did this summer, and if you know even a little bit about my job you understand, but I made the most amazing bonds with both students and the staff this summer that I could never forget. I was genuinely proud of the kids for the things they were doing and I really respect the way they treat each other (I think more people in the world could learn a little something from them!) and I now feel like some of the people I work with are my best friends (also respectable people whom the rest of the world could learn a little something from). It may be corny but I feel like I grew as a person this summer and reflected on what was going on and the people around me. Damn Salve for making 'reflecting' a new habit of mine.
Now that summer is quickly coming to an end I've also found myself in disbelief that: A) I'm going into my senior year, B) I'm going to be student teaching in about a week, and C) that 3 years could possibly go by that fast. I don't know when I went from the girl who was petrified of college and never thought I'd be brave enough to go to the girl who looks forward to going back every year and has become so involved in school.
I had a conversation yesterday that keeps running through my mind, it went something like this:
Me: "I always have to get a sticker for my car in the summer and I always forget and drive around with an expired sticker. And now next year my sticker is going to be up in August and I'm going to forget to get my car inspected, then im going to go back to school with an expired sticker and it's going to be such a hassle to get a new one...rant, rant, rant..."
Friend: "You're not going to be going back to school after next summer..."
Me: "I always have to get a sticker for my car in the summer and I always forget and drive around with an expired sticker. And now next year my sticker is going to be up in August and I'm going to forget to get my car inspected, then im going to go back to school with an expired sticker and it's going to be such a hassle to get a new one...rant, rant, rant..."
Friend: "You're not going to be going back to school after next summer..."
!!! Reality check! I think that conversation is the real reason for this post because it FINALLY hit me that this is it, the last time i'll be getting ready to go back to Salve. So weird! I can't really wrap my mind around it. Anywho, I'm really excited for this year. Lots of big things happening and it is going to be lots of fun!
Student Teaching posts to come for sure! Stay tuned...

"So long sweet summer, I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays. So long sweet slumber. I fell into you now you're gracefully falling away. Hey thanks, thanks for that summer.